Your Child's First Dental Visit

Here at Cambridge City Dental, we believe in healthy smiles at every age — our dentists in Perth love working with children.

During your child’s first visit to us, one of our expert dentists will discuss your little one’s background and oral health needs. Following this, we will evaluate your child’s smile and provide any educational or therapeutic services in a compassionate, understanding manner.

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Growing up with routine preventative care can help your child enjoy their future trips to the dentist as he or she grows up.

There are a number of times where parents ask, “When should my child see a dentist?” The simple answer to this question is “ the first visit by your child's first birthday".

The idea of such early dental visits is surprising to a lot of parents however, studies have shown that preschool aged children are developing a lot more cavities. To prevent early cavities, parents must first find out their child’s risk of developing cavities. Parents must also learn how to manage their child’s diet, oral hygiene, and fluoride use to prevent problems.

Cavities are not the only thing that parents must learn regarding their child’s dental health. The first dental visit lets the dentist and parents discuss how to properly care for their infant or toddlers mouth, the proper use of fluoride, oral habits, including thumb and finger sucking, ways to prevent accidents that could damage the face and teeth, teething milestones and developments and also the link between diet and oral health.


After, the first visit, the dentist will suggest a schedule or follow up visits. As a rule of thumb every 6 months is advised however this may vary depending on each child’s needs and risks.

While our practice is more than happy to see infants, toddlers and young children in some cases your child may be referred to a pediatric dentist to care for their needs.

It is, however, important to take time out with your child to play “dentist” whether that be pretending to count teeth or reading your child stories about the dentist. Always make an appointment for a time when your child is well rested. Inform the dentist of any medical issues your child may have and openly discuss your questions and concerns.

It is very important not to convey anxiety about the dental visit to your child. Do not use words like hurt, scary, needle or drill around your child. It is normal for a child to cry a little at their first visit but we will always make sure to try and make the child feel as comfortable as possible. We will offer them a balloon or a toothbrush to win them over. We also let the child have a ride on the dental chair to make the experience as fun as we possibly can.

It is important to never force your child into the dental chair as 9 times out of 10 this is where phobias will start.

Book your child’s first dental appointment with our Perth dentists or call us today.