Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

For some people, the mention of wisdom teeth conjures up images of anxious young adults - hunched over in dentist chairs, receiving what seems to be a mandatory rite of passage. But why do wisdom teeth need to be removed in the first place? And is the experience really as bad as we make it out to be? This article will provide you with all the information you need about wisdom teeth removal, from why they might need to be extracted to what happens during the procedure.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. They are called wisdom teeth because, by the time they erupt, we are supposedly wiser than when we were younger! Unfortunately, wisdom teeth can often cause problems. They may come in crooked or impact other teeth, resulting in pain and discomfort. In these cases, they may need to be removed.

Why Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

You may be wondering why they need to be removed and why don’t they fall out like baby teeth? There are a few reasons these include:

  • Wisdom teeth need to be removed because they may not have enough space to grow in properly, which can cause pain, gum disease, and other dental problems.

  • A partially impacted wisdom tooth could be prone to infection and have recurrent surrounding gum infections

  • Wisdom teeth may also need to be removed to prevent any future dental complications from occurring down the line.

Signs You May Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Your dentist will be able to see whether your wisdom teeth need to be removed at your regular dental check-up and clean appointments. The most common sign that you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed is when they start to crowd or damage other nearby teeth.

Wisdom teeth can also become infected, which can cause jaw pain, swelling, gum disease and inflammation.

In some cases, a wisdom tooth may only partially erupt through the gum line, which can trap food and bacteria and lead to tooth decay. If you experience any of these problems, it is time to see your dentist to determine if you need a wisdom tooth removed.

Showing signs that you need your wisdom teeth removed? Book an appointment with one of our dentists at Cambridge City Dental.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedures

Wisdom teeth removal procedures are one of the most common dental surgeries. These procedures include:

Sleep Dentistry

The use of twilight anaesthesia or sleep dentistry is a technique that reduces pain, and anxiety and puts patients into a relaxed state so they feel comfortable during surgery. The procedure can take place in a dental clinic.

General Anaesthetic

Wisdom teeth removal surgery is a common dental surgical procedure that is often performed under general anaesthetic. This means that you will be asleep duration of the surgery. The surgery itself usually lasts for around an hour, and you may need to stay in the hospital for a few hours afterwards so that your recovery can be monitored.

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Most patients report mild discomfort and some swelling the day after surgery, which can be alleviated with an ice pack. You will be prescribed pain medication, so take it as directed. Bruising and a small amount of bleeding are also common.

Any recovery times vary from individual to individual, but most people feel back to their normal activities within two weeks. Follow your dentist’s instructions for post-operative care to hasten your healing process.

Not Sure If You Need a Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Contact Cambridge City Dental

Wisdom teeth extraction may seem like a daunting prospect, but our dentists will be here with you every step of the way. At Cambridge City Dental, we offer a wide range of general, cosmetic and restorative dentistry services. If you’re experiencing any symptoms or think you may need your wisdom teeth extracted, book an appointment with one of our dentists today online or by calling (08) 9382 8266.


What can you eat after wisdom teeth extraction surgery?

After wisdom teeth extraction surgery, it's best to eat soft food. Some good options include soup, yoghurt, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. It's important to avoid anything that might be too hard, crunchy, or chewy, as this could cause pain and/or bleeding. If necessary, you can also drink fluids through a straw in order to avoid putting pressure on the surgical area. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions carefully and keep track of any pain or swelling that may occur. Recovery time varies from person to person, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to heal properly.

At what age do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Wisdom teeth usually need to be removed between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people may need to have their wisdom teeth removed earlier or later, depending on when they erupt and how well they fit in the mouth. If wisdom teeth come in properly aligned and cause no oral health problems, there is no need to remove them.

Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction covered by Medicare or Private health?

How many wisdom teeth do adults have?

Everyone’s mouth is different, so the number of wisdom teeth they have can vary as well. The average adult has four wisdom teeth – two on top and two on the bottom. However, it’s not uncommon for people to have fewer or even none at all.

Like most other dental procedures, wisdom tooth extraction is not covered by Medicare. The only exception is if you are on a public dental waiting list, which not everyone is eligible for and the process can take years. Wisdom tooth extraction is covered by Private Health Insurance, the amount of coverage depends on your particular private health fund.

If you think it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed. Book an appointment with one of our dentists at Cambridge City Dental.

Cambridge City Dental