Six Post-Dental Implant Surgery Tips

Recovery after an oral surgery is, for most, relatively quick. In fact, some patients return to work soon after their dental implant procedure. But remember, recovery times vary.

After all, it is a surgery-the dentist will usually make a small incision and drill into your jaw a tiny titanium screw, which will act as an anchor for your new tooth. Though dentists perform surgeries that result in faster recovery, you can speed your return to health by following these tips.

1. Take Medication

Did you know that vitamin C accelerates healing? Take vitamin C tablets a few days before your appointment. Your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic to take the day of the procedure, and you

After the procedure, use pain medication your dentist recommends to you. Take your prescribed antibiotic according to the instructed time period. Some patients develop an infection at the

2.  Relax Regularly

As you relax, you reduce bleeding, swelling, nausea and other possible symptoms after your oral surgery. You may need to lie down right after your appointment. Monitor your pain, and be prepared

3. Lower Swelling

You'll likely experience slight swelling around the incision and in your jaw. Lie down and prop your head up with a pillow or two-the elevation reduces swelling.

Your dentist may also provide an ice pack to reduce any swelling. You can also make your own by filling a plastic storage bag with ice. Dentists recommend that their patients apply ice for

Swelling lasts up to a few days after the procedure. If you still notice swelling in the sides of your face two days after surgery, apply moist heat (a warm, moist cloth, for example) to the

4.  Prevent Excessive Bleeding

Most individuals experience some slight bleeding after dental implant surgery. To keep bleeding to a minimum, place a gauze pad over affected area and bite down firmly. Any bleeding should

5. Keep Your Mouth Clean

Your dentist will give you specific instructions about when you should rinse your mouth after your visit. Once you can begin, rinse your mouth four or five times a day with warm salt water.

6.  Eat Soft Foods

After your surgery, follow a soft-food or liquid diet for the first day. Soft foods like ice cream, yoghurt, tender fruits, cooked vegetables, juices, soups and noodles won't harm the already-

Don't eat anything crunchy, hot or hard for the first three or four days. And don't smoke for at least a day after your surgery. Additionally, avoid drinking alcohol until the site heals. 


When to Contact Your Dentist

Note that you may experience discomfort or pain for several days after any procedure. You'll likely notice symptoms including:

  • Stiffness
  • Numbness
  • Sore throat
  • Slight bleeding

These are normal symptoms, so you won't have to get in touch with your dentist. However, you should contact your dentist if you experience the following:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Excessive swelling
  • Extreme pain
  • Fever or excessive nausea

If you follow the instructions your dentist gives you, you should heal and return to your normal activities quickly. Take it easy and take care of yourself, and you'll be back on your feet