Considering Overseas Dental Implants? Here’s Why Local is Best!

When you need extensive dental work, such as getting dental implants, you might worry about the procedure’s impact on your wallet. Some Australians try to save money on important procedures, like dental implants, by taking their dental work overseas. This is known as dental tourism.

The dental tourism industry offers dental treatments at a more affordable price overseas. However, like most things in life, cheap is not always best.

While overseas dentists often promise to do the job for a cheap price, there are dangers you must be aware of before you eagerly start booking flights. This blog article discusses five important reasons why taking your dental work overseas may not work out for you in the long run.

Contact Cambridge City Dental for your dental services. Book online or call us today!

1. The Dentists Are Not Always Qualified

When you sit in the dentist chair of Cambridge City Dental, you don't have to wonder whether the dentist treating you is qualified. The Dental Board of Australia holds a list of all registered practitioners in this country, so reassuring yourself about your dentist’s qualifications is one quick Internet search away.

Heading overseas for discount dental treatment, however, doesn't give you the same comfortable reassurance. How can you be sure the person treating you has had the same extensive training as an Australian dentist?

In some reported instances, overseas dentists have placed framed dental certificates in their offices, but the certificates were later proven to be fake. If you opt for overseas dental work, you might have a more difficult time figuring out if your dentist really is qualified to offer you implants. This is especially the case if you're travelling to a country where English isn’t the native language.

Don't take the risk of having an inexperienced amateur working in your mouth. The Australian Dental Association regulates all dentists and handles any complaints you have with your care. Having your dental implants installed in Australia means you can have complete peace of mind about the quality of work you receive.

2. Not All Dental Work Can Be Completed Quickly

Heading overseas for dental work doesn’t just involve the cost of the procedure. You also have to allow for time off work, flights, accommodation, travel insurance, meals, and more. However, you must also remember that completion of some dental procedures takes more than just one visit to a dentist's office.

For example, take a look at the process for dental implants. Implants take place in two to three stages, usually in two visits. First, the dentist attaches a titanium screw to the jaw bone at the site of the missing tooth. Then, after the gum tissue and bone around the implant have healed, the dentist attaches a crown to the titanium screw. The healing period between the two processes is 3 months

Not everyone can remain on holiday overseas for 3 months, so you now have to factor double costs for airfares, accommodation, time off work and other expenses. Any foreign dental practitioner who tells you a dental implant is a one-visit procedure is wrong. The titanium insert needs bone to grow around it to keep it in place, and this process takes time.

3. You Have to Get Repair Work When Things Go Wrong

Any surgically invasive procedure carries risk. If you did have dental work done overseas and something went wrong on your return, how would you rectify the problem? Most people can’t just hop on a plane and head back over to the country they just visited in the hope of sorting things out.

Complicating the problem, certain issues like dental infections don't show themselves right away. Infections may develop slowly under the teeth and not show up for months. By the time you notice gum disease or tooth discolouration, the infection could have been raging for a long time.

You’ll need professional medical assistance to address your infection and ensure your implant is still stable. The future dental costs of doing the repair work could outweigh the money you saved by traveling overseas for the initial procedure.

4. Communication May Be Difficult

When seeking any dental treatment whether it’s purely cosmetic or a surgical or invasive procedure, it’s important that you fully understand what is happening and that you can communicate any concerns you may have with your dentist. When you seek dental treatment abroad, you likely won’t get the chance to have an initial consultation or any subsequent follow up consultations with that same dentist. Another point to consider is the language barrier. Most overseas dental holidays are booked in countries where English is not the native language. This can result in miscommunication between yourself and the dentist.

5. Overseas Dentists May Use Lower Quality Materials

Australia is regulated by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA Guidelines) which means all dental materials follow the strictest quality control measures. So when you visit your local dentist, the quality of materials is not an issue. However, you can’t assume all countries follow the same strict regulations. Poor quality materials may mean your treatment doesn’t last as long as it should and in some cases, can also lead to infections. Be aware there are many different types of implants and these are never discussed with the patient overseas. Every case has limiting factors and will depend on the area for the placement of the implant. As such, types of implants can vary when deciding which to choose for a particular area of the mouth. The implants that should be played are those with a proven record and have evidence-based research to support their claims. Some implants are coated with a titanium layer and some are purely titanium.

Trust Your Local Dentist For All Dental Procedures

While saving a few dollars may seem appealing when it comes to having big dental jobs done, the risks should be a significant deterrent. Your dental care is number one priority and not something you should risk with dental tourism. If in Asia, beware of the dentist that tells you ‘I have been trained in the United States or in Europe’.

Having your dental implants placed at Cambridge City Dental means you get access to clean, sterile equipment and well-trained dentists. We do our best to ensure every procedure is successful, and our clean, up-to-date facilities reduce all risks to our patient's health. Offering services in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry, book your appointment online or call us on 9382 8266.

Contact Cambridge City Dental for your dental services. Book online or call us today!